2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 19, 2024  
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

EDU 429 - Birth through Grade Three Inclusive Settings Student Teaching

(4-8 credits)
This experience will include the observation, engagement and instruction of a multi-categorical elementary resource program for children from birth to grade three while under the supervision of a licensed, qualified teacher. During this practicum, candidates are required to complete supervised student teaching experiences in two different settings, which can include registered child development homes, home visiting programs, state-accredited child care centers, or classrooms that include both children with and without disabilities in two of three age levels: infant and toddler, preprimary and primary. Using the knowledge, skills and dispositions in planning, instruction, assessment and professionalism learned and assessed throughout the education program, candidates will be able to schedule, evaluate, collaborate, write IEPs and IFSPs, and develop strategies to address special needs of children. Candidates are expected to model “Teacher as Servant” throughout the experience by serving God and society in diverse classroom settings.

Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis.

Prerequisite: KIN104 or current first aid and infant child CPR certification.