2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Oct 26, 2024  
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Financial information

 Click on any of the following links for information:


Billing statements will be mailed to your home address. In addition, billing statements may be viewed online. Go to the Billing Information tab on My NWC and click on View/Pay Bill for respective term to view your billing statement.

Account payments


Students are required to pay the balance on their account in full by August 1 for the Fall term, within the first 5 days of class for the Spring term, and prior to the first day of class for the Summer term in order to keep their reservation in the residence halls as well as their registration for classes. To make a payment, go to the Billing Information tab on My NWC and click on View/Pay Bill for respective term. Click on Pay Online Now to make your payment online (by E-check or Credit/Debit card). Information on fees and additional payment options (checks or wires) can also be found under View/Pay Bill.

10-month payment plan


Students who wish to set up a payment plan should make arrangements with the business office by July 1 for first term and by November 15 for second term. Payment plans are not available for the summer term. The student’s balance for each term will be divided into five payments.

For first term, the first payment will be due on July 25 in order to keep a student’s registration for classes. The remaining four payments will be due on August 25, September 25, October 25 and November 25.

For second term, payments will be due December 25, January 25, February 25, March 25 and April 25. No monthly interest will be charged to students who participate in the payment plan if their payment is made by the date it is due. Students on the payment plan will be assessed a handling fee of $25 each term.

Late payments

If a payment is not made on the date it is due, the entire balance becomes due and interest of 1 percent per month (12 percent per year) will be charged to the student’s account. Students who are delinquent in payment may be denied access to Blackboard, class registration, computer usage and campus facilities. Diplomas, transcripts, credentials, and recommendation for teacher licensure will be withheld until accounts are paid in full.



Students not on a monthly payment plan will be assessed interest of 1 percent per month (12 percent per year) on the student’s outstanding balance.

Electronic notifications

Northwestern College, its affiliates, agents and service providers will use written, electronic or verbal means to contact students as the law allows. The methods include, but are not limited to contact by manual calling methods, prerecorded or artificial voice messages, emails and/or automated telephone dialing systems. The College, its affiliates, agents and service providers may contact students by telephone at any telephone number associated with their account currently or in the future, including wireless telephone numbers, regardless of whether a charge is incurred as a result.

Tuition and related fees


Detailed information about costs and related fees can be found at www.nwciowa.edu/tuition.

Institutional refund/repayment policy


The refund policy applies when a student fails to complete the enrollment period for which he/she has been charged. When a student withdraws, drops out or is dismissed for disciplinary or academic reasons, this policy will apply. Appeal procedures are governed by the student handbook in the “Academic affairs” section under “Required withdrawal”.

The effective date used to calculate the student’s refund or repayment is documented on the student’s official college withdrawal form. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the completion of the appropriate withdrawal form:

  • Complete the online withdrawal form if you are enrolled in all online courses or if you are attending summer school on-campus or online. Withdrawal forms are located online at My NWC under Student Forms on the Academics tab.
  • Complete the withdrawal form available in the Student Development office if you are a residential student taking all on-campus courses or a combination of on-campus/online courses.

Upon receipt of the completed withdrawal form, the business office will calculate the refund/repayment in a timely manner.

This policy does not apply to students who drop classes but remain enrolled at least on a part- time basis at Northwestern. For these students, no refund will be provided, and financial aid will not change after the fifth day of the Fall and Spring terms and after the fifth day of each summer session.

Tuition, room and board is refundable on a prorate basis if the student withdraws prior to completing 60% of the enrollment period. After 60% of the enrollment period has been completed, no refund is given. A 100% refund is given on or before the first day of classes. All fees are nonrefundable. Private or institutional student financial assistance programs will follow the same percentages when returning aid as calculated for tuition, room and board.

The percentage of the enrollment period completed represents the percentage of charges owed and aid earned by the student. This percentage is determined by dividing the number of days enrolled by the number of calendar days in the enrollment period. Weekends and holidays are included in the number of days, but breaks of five or more consecutive days are excluded.

Return of Title IV funds policy


Title IV funds are federal financial assistance in the form of Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), Pell Grants, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG), and TEACH Grants. Federal regulations require the following treatment of Title IV funds when a student withdraws from an institution. The federal formula requires a return of the Title IV aid if the student received federal financial assistance as noted above and withdrew on or before completing 60 percent of the enrollment period. The percentage of Title IV aid to be returned is equal to the number of days remaining in the enrollment period divided by the number of calendar days in the enrollment period. Scheduled breaks of five or more consecutive days are excluded. If 60 percent or more of the enrollment period has been completed by the student, no Title IV aid needs to be returned.

Aid that must be refunded or repaid will be restored to the various financial assistance programs in the following order to the extent of the aid from each source:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
  2. Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans
  3. Federal Perkins Loans
  4. Federal PLUS Loans
  5. Federal Pell Grants
  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
  7. TEACH Grants
  8. Other Title IV Aid

Please note that any other federal and student financial assistance programs will follow the same percentages when returning aid as calculated for the Title IV programs. To avoid repayment of your federal student aid during the Fall, Spring, or Summer terms, the student must be attending classes, taking exams, and completing required course work.

Dropping Classes offered in Modules:

During the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms, Northwestern College offers courses that have different start and end dates within each term.  These portions of the term (first-half and second-half courses during Fall and Spring or sessions during Summer) are referred to as “modules”.

If a student wishes to drop a future module and the student doesn’t want to be considered a withdrawal, they must drop that module while they are currently enrolled in another module.  A student who drops a future module on a date that falls between the modules they are registered to attend is considered to have withdrawn.  Unless a student provides written confirmation of future attendance in the payment period or period of enrollment, a student who drops all the future classes that he or she was scheduled to attend between modules (when the student is not attending classes) is considered to have withdrawn, and a Return of Title IV Funds calculation is required.

How to determine whether a student in a program offered in modules has withdrawn:

We can determine whether a student enrolled in a series of modules is a withdrawal by asking the following three questions.

  1. After beginning attendance in the payment period or period of enrollment, did the student cease to attend or fail to begin attendance in a course he or she was scheduled to attend?  If the answer is no, this is not a withdrawal.  If the answer is yes, go to question 2.
  2. When the student ceased to attend or failed to begin attendance in a course he or she was scheduled to attend, was the student still attending any other courses?  If the answer is yes, this is not a withdrawal; however, other regulatory provisions concerning recalculation may apply.  If the answer is no, go to question 3.
  3. Did the student confirm attendance in a course in a module beginning later in the period?  If the answer is yes, this is not a withdrawal, unless the student does not return.  If the answer is no, this is a withdrawal and the Return of Title IV Funds requirements apply.

Refund policy for students called to active military service

A student who withdraws from Northwestern College as a result of the student being called to active duty (or the spouse of a service-person that has a dependent child, if the spouse is the student) in a military service of the United States or a state military service shall receive a full refund of tuition and required fees for courses not completed.

Northwestern College offers the following options to a student who is a member, or the spouse of a member if the member has a dependent child, of the national guard or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to state military or federal service or duty.

  1. Withdraw from the student’s entire registration and receive a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees.
  2. Make arrangements with the student’s instructors for course grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the student’s registration shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for the courses in full.
  3. Make arrangements with only some of the student’s instructors for grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the registration for those courses shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for those courses. Any course for which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the course refunded.

Financial assistance


Students seeking financial aid must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Be sure to list Northwestern College in the information release section. Northwestern’s Title IV code is 001883. Application forms are available in high school guidance offices and on the Web (www.fafsa.ed.gov).

Students selected for verification must submit the verification worksheet and either a Tax Return transcript or use the Data Retrieval function in the FAFSA. Financial aid packages for first- time students are estimates until verification is complete. No financial aid packages are awarded for returning students until verification is complete.

Veteran’s and other military-related benefits


Any student who is eligible for financial assistance from the Veterans Administration should contact the registrar’s office. This office will assist students in the certification process. Northwestern College is a Service Members Opportunity College Consortium member and welcomes active-duty, reserve, National Guard military personnel, veterans and their families to be a part of our student body. Veterans are required by the Veterans Administration to maintain satisfactory progress in their educational program.

Financial aid good standing and satisfactory progress policy


The Education Amendment of 1980, amended 1983, requires Northwestern College to define and monitor Standards of Satisfactory Progress for students receiving federal financial aid from one or more of the following programs: (1) Federal Pell Grant, (2) Federal Perkins Loan, (3) Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), (4) Federal Work-Study Program, (5) Federal Direct Loan Programs. The Iowa Tuition Grant (ITG) is funded by the state of Iowa and has the same requirements.

Standards of satisfactory progress are established to encourage students to complete courses for which aid is received and progress satisfactorily toward the achievement of a degree. Completion of courses is defined as receiving one of the following grades: A, B, C, D, or Pass.

Duration of eligibility - It is expected that students will complete their undergraduate work within a time frame that does not exceed 150 percent of the published length of the program for a full-time student for satisfactory academic progress. Full-time students may receive federal financial aid for a maximum of 12 semesters of full-time awards. Half-time students are eligible for a maximum of 24 semesters of half-time awards.

Grade point average - To receive federal financial aid, a student must maintain the required minimum semester grade point average based on credits attempted. See “Academic progress policy” in the academic life section of this catalog.

Satisfactory progress - Satisfactory progress is defined as successfully completing course requirements in the necessary time frame with a minimum semester GPA. Incompletes, withdrawals and audits are considered unsatisfactory. However, incompletes which are later changed into A-D grades are satisfactory for good standing and satisfactory progress purposes. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the financial aid office of any change.

Financial aid eligibility during probation or suspension semesters - According to government regulations, every student who receives federal or state financial aid must be making satisfactory academic progress toward a degree program in order to continue to be eligible for federal, state or institutional funds. Thus, a student’s progress is reviewed each term. Students on academic probation will continue to receive financial aid during the probationary term. However, they will need to earn the minimum grade point at the end of the term in order to qualify for these funds and to be considered as making satisfactory progress for the next term of enrollment. A student placed on academic probation will not be eligible to receive an activity scholarship during the probationary term.

Financial aid probation appeal process - Students who fail SAP may appeal based on any circumstances the student deems as difficult circumstances, such as family difficulties, illness/injury, roommate or dating issues, loss of balance between responsibilities, death in the family or financial struggles. The financial aid appeal (for students on financial aid warning who again fail to make SAP but are not academically suspended) will be handled in the same manner as academic suspension appeals. The student’s appeal must be in written (letter) form and state why they failed to meet SAP as well as what will change to demonstrate SAP at the end of the next term. Students will be notified of the appeal decision via email and/or a letter in the mail. If an appeal is granted by the Financial Aid Director (who decides the appeal in consult with the Academic Support Director and the Registrar), the student will be placed on financial aid probation and allowed to receive Title IV funds for one additional term. If making SAP is not realistic in one term, the academic appeal committee may develop an academic plan in lieu of probation that, if followed, will ensure the student is able to meet SAP standards at a specified point in time. If the appeal is not granted, the student may not receive Title IV funds until they regain eligibility by taking actions that bring them back into SAP. These actions may include filing an appeal after attending classes at another institution or by taking classes at NWC without the assistance of Title IV aid.

For a returning student seeking re-instatement from a prior academic suspension, or for any re-registering student who does not meet SAP, if the academic appeal for re-instatement is granted, the student will re-enter on financial aid probation or an established academic plan.

Monitoring system - Those students placed on probation status or whose eligibility for aid has been terminated will have their progress monitored in the next term they are enrolled, whether or not they receive aid for that term. If satisfactory progress is resumed at the end of the term, full eligibility for aid consideration will be reinstated the following term, and the student’s name will be removed from the monitoring system.

Scholarships and grants


Honor scholarships

Honor scholarships are awarded to high school graduates in the top quarter of their class who have satisfactory ACT or SAT scores, and to transfer students who have a 3.00 grade point average with a minimum of 24 hours. Honor scholarships vary in amount and are renewable each year for a total of eight semesters, as long as the student maintains a 2.75 cumulative college GPA at the end of the freshman year; thereafter, renewal requires a 3.00 cumulative GPA. Full- time enrollment is required.

Norman Vincent Peale Scholarship Program

Each year a minimum of six honor scholarships, each worth $18,000, will be awarded to incoming freshmen who exhibit high academic ability and who possess school, church and community leadership skills. These are renewable each year, provided the student maintains a 3.00 cumulative grade point average. To apply, each applicant must meet the following criteria: a ranking within the top 10 percent of their high school class or a minimum 3.7 cumulative grade point average; a minimum ACT score of 27 or SAT equivalent; evidence of a strong Christian commitment; demonstration of leadership skills and involvement in school, church or community activities; and enrollment as a full-time student at Northwestern College beginning in the fall semester. Students ranking #1 in their class with a 23 ACT are also eligible. Candidates must apply and be accepted for admission to Northwestern College prior to competing in the scholarship competition.

Activity scholarships

A limited number of activity scholarships are available through the art, theatre, music and athletic departments. Activity scholarships are based upon students’ special achievements and their potential for further development. Activity scholarships are given for a year at a time and are reviewed at the end of each year. To be eligible for an activity scholarship, students must meet the following requirements:

  • New students must fulfill all entrance requirements at Northwestern.

  • They must actively participate in the activity in which they seek an award.

  • They must have been recommended by the department granting the award.

  • Athletes must meet the eligibility rules of the Great Plains Athletic Conference (GPAC) and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). Check with the coach or athletic director for requirements.

  • A student who is receiving an activity scholarship must be in good academic standing and meet eligibility requirements (see “Academic progress policy” in the academic life section of this catalog). If a student is placed on academic probation, he or she will not be eligible to receive an activity scholarship during the probationary term. If the grade point is raised during the probationary term, the respective department may again award an activity scholarship for the following term.

Legacy Grant

Legacy Grants are available to full-time students with a family or church connection to Northwestern. They are not given based on FAFSA information. Students are eligible for a Legacy Grant if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • A parent or grandparent attended Northwestern full-time for at least three semesters
  • A sibling is currently enrolled or has graduated from NWC
  • A parent is currently an ordained pastor/overseas missionary
  • The student participated in a Reformed Church in America (RCA) congregation immediately prior to enrolling at Northwestern

Students receive a $1,500 Legacy Grant if they meet any of the above criteria, and the grant remains in effect for up to four years.

Iowa Tuition Grant Program

The Iowa Tuition Grant Program provides funds to Iowa residents who attend a private college in the state. This money helps make up the difference between tuition at the private college and the average tuition at the three state universities. A student may receive up to $4,000, provided state funding is available, depending on the student’s financial need and enrollment. Application is made by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form by July 1 and listing Northwestern College as a recipient of the form. There is an eight-semester limit on the Iowa Tuition Grant.

Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is a federal program that makes funds available to eligible students attending approved colleges. Application is made by filing the FAFSA. A student will receive a notification of eligibility in a Student Aid Report (SAR). This notification is also received by Northwestern’s financial aid office, where the amount of the grant is then calculated.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

The Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) is available to a limited number of undergraduate students with financial need.


Through the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Congress created the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program. It provides grants of up to $4,000 per year to students with a 3.25 GPA, who are pursuing a teaching degree, and who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families.

Northwestern College student employment


Campus employment is available to all students who wish to work on campus. Many students have been able to earn part of their tuition by doing necessary work in college offices, the library, residence halls, campus maintenance and the dining hall. Students are free to interview for open positions. Summer employment is also available in various departments.



Federal Perkins Loan Program

The Federal Perkins Loan is for students who are enrolled at least halftime and who meet the required need factor. Repayment begins nine months after students graduate or leave school for other reasons; they may be allowed up to 10 years to repay the loan. During the repayment period, there is a charge of 5 percent interest on the unpaid balance of the loan principal. If students serve in the Peace Corps or Vista, no payments are required for up to three years.

Direct /Stafford Loan Program

This loan program is designed to assist families in the financing of higher education for their children. Repayment begins six months after a student graduates, leaves school or drops below half-time enrollment. During the repayment period, there is a fixed interest rate on the unpaid balance currently at 6.8% for unsubsidized and subsidized loans. Anyone who files the FAFSA is eligible for this loan. An origination fee of 1% percent is charged by the government.

Northwestern College Rotary Loan

The college administers a fund, provided by Christian friends, for worthy students who need assistance. During the repayment period, a rate of 7 percent interest is charged on the unpaid balance of the loan principal.

McElroy Loan

A college-administered loan for students who best combine the qualities of leadership, citizenship, scholarship, and community and school service. During the repayment period, a rate of 7 percent interest is charged on the unpaid balance of the loan principal.

Federal Parent PLUS Loans and Private Student Loans

These loans may be used to supplement the financial aid package if there is additional need. Additional information and applications for these loans can be obtained at www.nwciowa.edu/financialaid or www.studentloans.gov.

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