2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • MAT 317 - Linear Algebra

    (3 credits)
    A study of the algebra of matrices and vector spaces including matrix operations, systems of equations, determinants, properties of real vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

    Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT112QR and MAT180 or permission of instructor.

  • MAT 325 - Topics in the History of Mathematics

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    In this course, students will gain an appreciation for the development of mathematical thought through exploration of some of the fascinating and critical ideas in the history of mathematics. Topics include historical proofs of results students have encountered in previous mathematical study; along with some results, which will be new.

    Prerequisites: MAT180WI and MAT211.

  • MAT 330 - Data Validation

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    A course building student skills in working with large data sets gathered from real-world studies and experiments. Students will learn and experience best practices for data-type, range, constraint, code, cross-reference, structured, and textual validation.

    Prerequisites: CSC170, MAT112QR and MAT116QR or MAT117QR.

  • MAT 375x - Econometrics with Regression Analysis

    (4 credits)
    This course, which is required for finance, economics, and actuarial science majors, is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of econometric analysis. To this end, the primary focus is on simple and multiple linear regressions using cross-sectional data and time series regressions. We will also discuss highly useful extensions including regression with binary dependent variables, and regression analysis using panel data if time. The course will put a heavy emphasis on emperical applications; econometric theory will be discussed where necessary but will not be the central focus. Instead, we focus on estimating regression models using statistical packages such as R, SPSS, or Stata, and on interpreting the results. Both estimation and interpretation are highly marketable skills. The coverage of this course will be sufficient for SVEE Applied Statistics (SOA) and useful for CFA exams. More broadly, what you learn from this course will be valuable for a career in consulting, banking, insurance, and other related fields.

    Prerequisites: C- or better in MAT112QR and MAT116QR or MAT117QR.

    Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in economics.
  • MAT 385 - Advanced Regression Analysis

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    A course building on simple and multiple linear regression analysis to introduce multivariable analysis, logistic regression, moderation, matric formulation, residual analysis, transformations, regression diagnostics, multicollinearity, and variable selection techniques.

    Prerequisite: MAT375.

  • MAT 398 - Directed Study

  • MAT 411 - College Geometry

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    A study of topics in Euclidean geometry as well as axiomatic systems, non- Euclidean geometry, and projective geometry.

    Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT180WI or permission of instructor.

  • MAT 412 - Real Analysis

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    A study of real-value functions including such topics as continuity, sequences and series, differentiation and integration. Students will also be introduced to the concept of a general metric space.

    Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT180WI and MAT211 or permission of instructor.

  • MAT 416 - Probability and Statistics II

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    A continuation of Probability and Statistics I. Emphasis will be placed on functions of random variables and sampling distributions.

    Prerequisite: MAT316.

  • MAT 417 - Internship

    (2 credits may apply toward the major)
  • MAT 419 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    A study of groups, normal groups and factor groups, Cayley’s Theorem, rings, ideals, homomorphisms, integral domains, fields, polynomial rings, field extensions and zeros of polynomials.

    Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT317 or permission of instructor.

  • MAT 420 - Actuarial Exam Review

    (1 credit)
    This course is a comprehensive review of all materials for SOA/CAS exams. The course is tailored to the specific exam the student is planning on taking.

    Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis. Course may be repeated.

    Prerequisite: permission of chair of department.

  • MAT 425 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics

    (3 credits, offered as needed)
    This course will explore in more depth some of the mathematics that has been introduced in earlier courses. Topics will vary depending on the interests of students and faculty, but include complex analysis, graph theory and combinatorics, math modeling, number theory, topology, and measure theory.

    Prerequisites: MAT180WI, 212, and 317; or permission of instructor.

  • MAT 430 - Actuarial Modeling: Life Contingent Risk Models

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is an introduction to the study of contingent payment models. Topics include: economics of insurance, individual risk models, survival distributions and life tables, benefit reserves, multiple life functions, multiple decrement models and introductory loss models.

    Prerequisite: MAT316, with co-requisite MAT416.

  • MAT 431 - Actuarial Modeling: Loss Models

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course concentrates on loss models. Topics include: frequency and severity, aggregate loss models, discrete and continuous time ruin models, construction of empirical models, parameter estimation, and model selection.

    Prerequisite: MAT316, with co-requisite MAT416.

  • MAT 435 - Bayesian Analysis

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    An introduction to Bayesian statistical modeling and inference and related computational strategies and algorithms, including posterior and predictive inference; Bayesian models in applications; methods of prior elicitation; and computation, visualization, and analysis of real-world data.

    Prerequisites: MAT116QR and MAT180WI.

  • MAT 445 - Statistical Design

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    A course focusing on the theory and objectives critical to the design and implementation of sound statistical experiments and surveys, including survey and experimental methods. Emphasis on sampling techniques, instrument design, reliability and validity.

    Prerequisites: CSC170QR, MAT112QR and MAT116QR or MAT117QR.

  • MAT 450SR - Mathematical Minds

    (3 credits)
    This course will provide you with a survey of some of the fascinating and critical ideas in mathematics, including historical proofs of some results which are familiar to you through your previous mathematical study as well as some results which will be new to you. We will also spend a significant amount of time discussing connections between mathematics and the Christian faith, and we’ll take a look into the background of the mathematically and scientifically significant number 0, which has had its own theological issues. And you’ll explore the contributions of the various parts of your college experience to the goals of the NWCore program and your progress in establishing personal commitments and a sense of vocation.

    Prerequisites: C- or better in MAT211 or permission of instructor.

  • MUS 101 - Music Fundamentals

    (2 credits)
    This course provides training in basic musical skills including concepts of pitch, rhythm and time signatures, scales and key signatures, intervals, triads and seventh chords and rules for part writing. It also provides an introduction to aural skills and to understanding Christian approaches to music and music-making.

    Note: Includes 1 1/2 hours of lab per week. Does not count toward a music major or minor.

  • MUS 111 - Music Theory I

    (2 credits)
    This course will teach the fundamentals necessary for performing, composing/arranging, teaching, directing, writing about, and recording/producing music. Related topics such as music history, performance practice and music technology are also explored and an in-depth study is made of the Christian perspective on music and music-making.

    Note: Includes 1 1/2 hours of lab per week.

    Prerequisite for 111: MUS101 or passing score on diagnostic placement exam.

  • MUS 112 - Music Theory II

    (4 credits)
    This course will teach the fundamentals necessary for performing, composing/arranging, teaching, directing, writing about, and recording/producing music. Related topics such as music history, performance practice and music technology are also explored and an in-depth study is made of the Christian perspective on music and music-making.

    Note: Includes 1 1/2 hours of lab per week.

    Prerequisite for 112: MUS111 or passing score on diagnostic placement exam.

  • MUS 113AE - Exploring Music

    (3 credits) (NWCore option under Aesthetic Experience)
    The student will survey the role of both music and musician in relation to the intellectual, religious and social conditions of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary periods. Through listening and by examination of the elements and forms of music, the student will study the nature of the creative process in the context of a Christian perspective.

  • MUS 115AE - Music of the Church

    (3 credits) (NWCore option under Aesthetic Experience)
    This course provides an introduction to the fascinating and frustrating history of how Christians have used, created, manipulated, or avoided music in their worship of God. Although each of us comes from our own denominational, geographical, and cultural backgrounds, we will seek to understand the whole historical sweep of Christian church music, as well as our own place in that history.

  • MUS 116 - Jazz Exploration and Understanding

    (3 credits, non-yearly, consult department)
    This course will explore the development, history and music of jazz from its roots to today. Students will learn how culture has affected its development and how it has impacted and changed culture. Students will look closely at the music and those who have been leaders in its development. This multimedia course will focus on an aural and a historical understanding of the nature of the creative process in jazz within the context of a Christian perspective.

  • MUS 130 - Piano Class Beginners I

    (1 credit)
    This class is designed for students with limited experience in piano. Beginning class is for the student with no piano background or very little prior instruction. Intermediate class is for the student who reads melodic lines and has some previous keyboard experience. Advanced class is for the student who has had a few years of keyboard instruction and wishes to broaden repertoire. Placement in appropriate level is by permission of instructor.

    Note: Class instruction is offered in piano, voice, guitar, percussion, brass and woodwind performance.

  • MUS 131 - Piano Class Beginners II

    (1 credit)
    This class is designed for students with limited experience in piano. Beginning class is for the student with no piano background or very little prior instruction. Intermediate class is for the student who reads melodic lines and has some previous keyboard experience. Advanced class is for the student who has had a few years of keyboard instruction and wishes to broaden repertoire. Placement in appropriate level is by permission of instructor.

    Note: Class instruction is offered in piano, voice, guitar, percussion, brass and woodwind performance.

  • MUS 132 - Piano Class Intermediate I

    (1 credit)
    This class is designed for students with limited experience in piano. Beginning class is for the student with no piano background or very little prior instruction. Intermediate class is for the student who reads melodic lines and has some previous keyboard experience. Advanced class is for the student who has had a few years of keyboard instruction and wishes to broaden repertoire. Placement in appropriate level is by permission of instructor.

    Note: Class instruction is offered in piano, voice, guitar, percussion, brass and woodwind performance.

  • MUS 133 - Piano Class Intermediate II

    (1 credit)
    This class is designed for students with limited experience in piano. Beginning class is for the student with no piano background or very little prior instruction. Intermediate class is for the student who reads melodic lines and has some previous keyboard experience. Advanced class is for the student who has had a few years of keyboard instruction and wishes to broaden repertoire. Placement in appropriate level is by permission of instructor.

    Note: May be repeated. Class instruction is offered in piano, voice, guitar, percussion, brass and woodwind performance.

  • MUS 164 - Heritage Singers

    (1/4 credit)
    Membership in each ensemble is by auditions held in the fall during the first week of classes.

    Note: Ensembles may be repeated. Chamber Ensembles may be taken in lieu of private instruction for one semester in either the junior or senior year to meet scholarship requirements.

  • MUS 168 - Percussion Ensemble

    (1/4 credit)
    Membership in each ensemble is by auditions held in the fall during the first week of classes.

    Note: Ensembles may be repeated. Chamber Ensembles may be taken in lieu of private instruction for one semester in either the junior or senior year to meet scholarship requirements.

  • MUS 170 - A Cappella Choir

    (1/2 credit)
    Membership in each ensemble is by auditions held in the fall during the first week of classes.

    Note: Ensembles may be repeated. Chamber Ensembles may be taken in lieu of private instruction for one semester in either the junior or senior year to meet scholarship requirements.

  • MUS 175 - Women’s Choir

    (1/4 credit)
    Membership in each ensemble is by auditions held in the fall during the first week of classes.

    Note: Ensembles may be repeated. Chamber Ensembles may be taken in lieu of private instruction for one semester in either the junior or senior year to meet scholarship requirements.

  • MUS 176 - Orchestra

    (1/4 credit)
    Membership in each ensemble is by auditions held in the fall during the first week of classes.

    Note: Ensembles may be repeated. Chamber Ensembles may be taken in lieu of private instruction for one semester in either the junior or senior year to meet scholarship requirements.

  • MUS 177 - Jazz Band

    (1/4 credit)
    Membership in each ensemble is by auditions held in the fall during the first week of classes.

    Note: Ensembles may be repeated. Chamber Ensembles may be taken in lieu of private instruction for one semester in either the junior or senior year to meet scholarship requirements.

  • MUS 179 - Percussion Class

    (1 credit, non-yearly, consult department)
    This class is designed for non-majors and for majors who desire class instruction in areas of secondary emphasis. The classes deal with ensemble literature, technical development and sight-reading.

    Note: This class may be repeated. Class instruction is offered in piano, voice, guitar, percussion, brass and woodwind performance.

  • MUS 180 - Symphonic Band

    (1/2 credit)
    Membership in each ensemble is by auditions held in the fall during the first week of classes.

    Note: Ensembles may be repeated. Chamber Ensembles may be taken in lieu of private instruction for one semester in either the junior or senior year to meet scholarship requirements.

  • MUS 181 - Voice Class

    (1 credit)
    This class is designed for the beginning singer and addresses the processes and mechanics of singing such as posture, breathing, tone production and diction. A rudimentary knowledge of note reading is expected.

    Note: This class may be repeated and must be taken prior to private voice instruction. Class instruction is offered in piano, voice, guitar, percussion, brass and woodwind performance.

  • MUS 189 - Brass Class

    (1 credit, non-yearly, consult department)
    This class is designed for non-majors and for majors who desire class instruction in areas of secondary emphasis. The classes deal with ensemble literature, technical development and sight-reading.

    Note: This class may be repeated. Class instruction is offered in piano, voice, guitar, percussion, brass and woodwind performance.

  • MUS 211 - Music Theory III

    (4 credits)
    This course will teach the fundamentals necessary for performing, composing/arranging, teaching, directing, writing about, and recording/producing music. Related topics such as music history, performance practice and music technology are also explored and an in- depth study is made of the Christian perspective on music and music-making.

    Note: Includes 1 1/2 hours of lab per week.

  • MUS 212 - Music Theory IV

    (4 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course will teach the fundamentals necessary for performing, composing/arranging, teaching, directing, writing about, and recording/producing music. Related topics such as music history, performance practice and music technology are also explored and an in- depth study is made of the Christian perspective on music and music-making.

    Note: Includes 1 1/2 hours of lab per week.

  • MUS 214 - Piano Pedagogy

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is designed to prepare students for studio teaching by introducing the fundamental principles of private teaching, knowledge of methods, and materials suitable for pre-school and elementary school level students as well as to provide a broad understanding and perspective on piano teaching through teaching beginning students and observing professional teaching.

  • MUS 216 - Survey of Piano Literature

    (1 credit, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is a survey of selected composers and keyboard compositions since 1750. Elements of musical style, keyboard writing, favored genres, and performance practice will be included in the discussions. Reading and listening assignments will supplement the in- class lectures.

    Prerequisite: MUS251.

  • MUS 217 - Vocal Pedagogy

    (2 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    Vocal Pedagogy is a course designed for music education and vocal majors who expect to teach applied voice in an educational setting or a private studio. The course deals with the vocal processes, the anatomy and physiology of the vocal tract, and practical application of this knowledge to successfully train students to sing in a free and healthy manner. This course is required for all Secondary Vocal Education and Instrumental Education majors.

    Prerequisite: MUS261 or permission of instructor.

  • MUS 218 - Vocal Diction

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is designed to acquaint the student with the singer’s pronunciation of English, French, German, Italian and Latin, using the standard International Phonetic Alphabet.

    Prerequisite: applied voice or permission of instructor.

  • MUS 220 - Survey of Vocal Literature

    (1 credit, alternative years, consult department)
    A survey of solo vocal literature from 1585 to the present. This course provides students with repertoire lists suitable for teaching studio and for high school solo vocal contests.

    Prerequisite: MUS261.

  • MUS 222 - Survey of Organ Literature

    (1 credit, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is a survey of organ literature suitable for use in churches and future teaching purposes. Students interested in organ pedagogy are advised to take MUS214.

  • MUS 224 - Methods of Teaching Brass Instruments

    (1 credit; alternate years, consult department)
    This course is required for students who have selected a career concentration in instrumental music education. Students will acquire a basic playing facility for at least two instruments in each generic category. The course will familiarize students with concepts and procedures that will enable them to teach wind, percussion, and string instruments to students at the elementary and secondary levels.

  • MUS 225 - Methods of Teaching Woodwind Instruments

    (1 credit; alternate years, consult department)
    This course is required for students who have selected a career concentration in instrumental music education. Students will acquire a basic playing facility for at least two instruments in each generic category. The course will familiarize students with concepts and procedures that will enable them to teach wind, percussion, and string instruments to students at the elementary and secondary levels.

  • MUS 226 - Methods of Teaching Percussion Instruments

    (1 credit; alternate years, consult department)
    This course is required for students who have selected a career concentration in instrumental music education. Students will acquire a basic playing facility for at least two instruments in each generic category. The course will familiarize students with concepts and procedures that will enable them to teach wind, percussion, and string instruments to students at the elementary and secondary levels.

  • MUS 227 - Methods of Teaching String Instruments

    (1 credit; alternate years, consult department)
    This course is required for students who have selected a career concentration in instrumental music education. Students will acquire a basic playing facility for at least two instruments in each generic category. The course will familiarize students with concepts and procedures that will enable them to teach wind, percussion, and string instruments to students at the elementary and secondary levels.

  • MUS 228 - Brass

    (1/2 credit)
  • MUS 228 - Strings

    (1/2 credit)
  • MUS 228 - Woodwind

    (1/2 credit)
  • MUS 230 - Song of the Church

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is a study of the development and use of music for worship, with emphasis on music for congregational singing. Metrical psalms, Lutheran Chorales, English hymns, Global song, Taize chants, contemporary worship songs, and Emerging offerings will all be surveyed. Students will also become familiar with the craft of writing and choosing good texts and good tunes for congregation song.

  • MUS 231 - Church Music Administration

    (1 credit, alternate years, consult department)
    An examination of several areas of organizational structure for a church setting. Students will gain knowledge in order to work effectively in a Christian community, while exercising a servant model of leadership.

    Prerequisite: MUS115AE.

  • MUS 232 - Music Technology

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is designed to give students a basic understanding of some of the most common technologies in music, both digital and analog. The course is theoretical as well as practical. Hands-on experience and training will comprise a significant element in the class. Midi, digital technology, computers and analog sound amplification comprise broad subjects covered. Students will gain understanding and experience in each of these areas.

    Prerequisite: MUS111 or permission of instructor.

  • MUS 233x - Leading Worship Teams

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course covers several interconnected practical aspects of music ministry, built upon an articulate and sound personal philosophy of arts in worship. This course explores leadership skills necessary for working with volunteers, providing pastoral care for team members, preparing for and leading rehearsals, and handling budgets and copyright issues. Students will practice planning, leading, and then evaluating worship services. The course includes methods of teaching and coaching the various instruments (including singers) used in music worship bands, with an introduction to the technical aspects of each instrument and the roles these instruments play within a properly functioning band.

    Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in theatre.
  • MUS 235 - Integrating Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers

    (1 credit)
    This course is designed to equip elementary majors with methods and materials for incorporating music in their educational curriculum.

    Note: KIN338 is an acceptable substitute for those seeking an elementary education major and birth through grade three inclusive settings endorsement. Does not count toward a music major or minor.

    Prerequisite: EDU326.

  • MUS 243 - String Bass

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 245 - Classical Guitar

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 246 - Music Ministry Guitar

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 247 - Harp

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 250 - Aural Skills Lessons

    (0.5-1 credit)
  • MUS 251 - Piano Lessons

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 252 - Lead Sheet Piano

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: MUS133 or MUS251

  • MUS 253 - Organ

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 255 - Piano Ensemble

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 257 - Oboe

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 261 - Voice

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 265 - Percussion

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 267 - Tuba

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 271 - Violin

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 273 - Cello

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 277 - Viola

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 281 - Trumpet

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 283 - Trombone

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 285 - French Horn

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 287 - Baritone Horn

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 291 - Clarinet

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 293 - Saxophone

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 295 - Flute

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 297 - Bassoon

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • MUS 301 - Basic Conducting

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is designed to assist students in developing a basic conducting technique. Skills are taught which enable the student to direct vocal and instrumental groups. Included in the course are studies in transposition, clef reading and score preparation.

    Prerequisite: MUS112.

  • MUS 302 - Advanced Conducting

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is designed to further develop the student’s basic conducting skills. The student will learn how to interpret stylistically the intentions of a composer and how to rehearse effectively. Compositions for band, choir and orchestra are studied. Included in the course are studies in score preparation, clef reading, transposition, rehearsal techniques, and error detection.

    Prerequisite: MUS301.

  • MUS 307 - Teaching Elementary Music

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is designed to prepare students who are music majors or minors for teaching in the elementary school. Students, who anticipate becoming specialists, will learn how to teach music to children through traditional methods, as well as through innovations of leading European and American educators. Students will learn how to establish curriculum’s for music education that utilize learning strategies encompassed by the conceptual approach. State INTASC Standards, as well as National Music Standards, will be reviewed and applied. Four areas of musical study will be emphasized: historical, philosophical, content and methodology. Students will do guided practice in class teaching assignments.

    Prerequisite: MUS112.

  • MUS 310 - Secondary Music Methods

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course deals primarily with philosophy, techniques, literature and materials used in teaching instrumental and vocal music at the secondary levels. Activities include the study of educational music philosophy, organization of various music ensembles, discussion of rehearsal procedures, classroom environment, and professional responsibilities. The class will understand criteria for evaluating quality music and will learn how to select level-appropriate literature.

  • MUS 312 - Counterpoint

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    The study of species counterpoint and 18th century fugues.

    Note: This course is strongly recommended for all students anticipating graduate school.

    Prerequisite: MUS211.

  • MUS 317WI - History of Music I

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department) (Writing intensive)
    Music history courses present a summary of the chronological development of music in western civilization. Music from Antiquity through the late 18th century is covered.

    Prerequisite: MUS112 or permission of instructor.

  • MUS 318AE - History of Music II

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department) (NWCore option under Aesthetic Experience)
    Music history courses present a summary of the chronological development of music in western civilization. Music from the late 18th century through the present is covered.

    Prerequisite: MUS112, junior class standing or permission of instructor.

  • MUS 320CC - World Musics

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department) (NWCore option under Cross-Cultural Engagement)
    Music is an integral part of every culture. By studying the music of other cultures, including the way music relates to faith, power, societal structure, and daily life, students will be able to better understand, love, and treat people from other cultures with justice. This class will give students tools from the field of ethnomusicology to engage with the music of the world’s people through listening, observing, researching, and music-making.

  • MUS 325 - Recital

    (1 credit)
    This course is to be taken along with one credit of applied instruction during the semester in which the degree recital is given. The student will be required to select music of representative styles and periods, research and write program notes, pass the pre-recital jury one month prior to the recital, and give the public performance.

    Note: Minimum recital length is 30 minutes for music education majors and 60 minutes for music performance majors. Course may be repeated.

    Prerequisite: junior class standing or after four semesters of applied study.

  • MUS 334 - Composition

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: MUS112 or permission of instructor

  • MUS 335 - Private Conducting

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: MUS302

  • MUS 337 - Choral/Instrumental Arranging

    (1-2 credits)
    Private instruction is offered in keyboard, voice, brass, woodwind, percussion and string performance.

    Note: Lessons are 30 minutes in length. Lessons are offered every semester and may be repeated. MUS252, Lead Sheet Piano does not count toward class or private instruction in piano requirement for majors or minors. An advanced student may elect to take an hour lesson each week in his/her major area of performance. Practice and repertoire requirements are doubled.

    Prerequisite: MUS112 or permission of instructor

  • MUS 398 - Directed Study

  • MUS 417 - Internship

    (4 credits may apply toward the Arts Administration minor)
    Prerequisite: MUS212.

  • MUS 420 - Chamber Opera

    (1/2 credit, non- yearly, consult department)
    The study of a selected chamber opera (operas) scene(s) from all periods. The course will involve rehearsal and performance. Students will present their product in the context of recitals or performances.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

  • NSC 101 - Introduction to Earth Science

    (4 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    An introduction to an understanding of Earth’s geological, hydrological, atmospheric, and environmental systems, the impact of human activity on such systems, and the ethical basis and strategies for human response to environmental degradation. Course includes required field trips and 90 minutes of lab per week.

    Note: This course is restricted to students pursuing a Middle School endorsement. Students may NOT receive credit for both BIO101SN and NSC101. A fee is associated with this course.

  • NSC 308 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Natural Science

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    A study of the techniques and materials for teaching natural science at the secondary school level (for biology and chemistry majors). This course requires a 30 hour practicum and is required of each candidate seeking an endorsement in this content area.

    Note: Credit does not count toward the major or minor. See also course offerings under biology, chemistry and physics.

    Prerequisite: upperclassman.

  • NUR 160 - Nursing: Discerning Your Vocation

    (1 credit)
    Based on a Christian worldview, this course considers dimensions of nursing specifically related to nursing as a healing ministry, human science, and performing art. This exploration includes a historic, current and future perspective. Students reflect on their call to nursing and develop a success plan for completing their major. Current societal, health-related and professional issues are also explored. Learning experiences include lecture and directed discussion, journaling, interviews, guest lectures, multimedia learning technology and library research.


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