2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • CRJ 340x - Research Methods

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    Evidence-based reasoning is central to professional leadership, public life, and everyday decision-making. This course trains students to design, analyze, and evaluate quantitative research. Students develop these skills by using survey and statistical software to carry out hands-on projects that matter to them and their community.

    Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in sociology.
  • CRJ 410 - Restorative Justice

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course focuses on restorative conceptions of justice related to the criminal justice system. It places justice in the context of social health rather than only in relation to punishment or criminality. Prominent is the concept of restoring social rights and order threatened by harm to victims, society, and offender. A key goal of restorative justice is to repair harm and restore relationships broken by crime and other wrongdoings. It also recognizes the perspective of the survivors of various crimes and seeks to bring about healing through attempted reconciliation. Crucial conversations are core to the change process through both victim offender dialogue and motivational interviewing.

  • CRJ 417x - Internship

    (4 credits may apply toward the major)
    Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in sociology.
  • CRJ 450SRx - Justice as a Skill and Commitment

    (4 credits)
    This course is the senior capstone to a student’s entire Northwestern education. The course challenges students to thoughfully reflect on and integrate their education in their major and across the curriculum with their personal, intellectual, spiritual, and vocational life. In particular, the class will consider the challenge of determining what it means to pursue justice in one’s life and vocation. Through reading, discussing, writing, oral presentations, and a capstone research project students will address the questions: Who have a become? To whom am I responsible? How will we live in the world?

    Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in sociology.
  • CSC 120 - Business Data Analysis using Spreadsheets

    (2 credits)
    This course teaches students to use spreadsheets to organize, calculate, analyze, and report on business data. Topics include using built-in statistical, logical, lookup, and financial functions, writing custom formulas and conditional formulas, using built-in data analysis tools, presenting information with charts and graphs, creating Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts, exporting and importing data to and from other applications, sharing data on the World Wide Web, and using macros to automate tasks. The course will culminate by developing key perform ace indicators (KPIs) and dashboards.

  • CSC 130 - Business Data Management using Databases

    (2 credits)
    The course teaches students to use relational databases to organize, query, analyze, and report on business data. Topics include the relational database model, creating database tables and setting appropriate table options, querying tables to gain insight into data, aggregating and summarizing queries, and creating reports to professionally present and visualize data. Importing and exporting data, sharing data over the Internet, and automating tasks using macros will also be covered.

  • CSC 151 - Office Application Programming

    (2 credits)
    This course focuses on the customization and programmability of commonly used business applications. The main topics covered will include writing macros, controlling spreadsheets, databases and other business applications using scripts and short programs, and customizing applications to fit specific business needs.

    Prerequisite: CSC102 or permission of instructor.

    When Offered: Alternate Years
  • CSC 170 - Statistical Programming

    (4 credits)
    In today’s data-driven world, statistical literacy and data analysis are increasingly important skills. This course introduces students to the fundamental aspects of programming, such as data types, procedural abstraction, control structures, and iteration, with a focus on the application of these concepts to statistics and data analysis. Topics will include the programmatic implementation of summary statistics, correlation, linear modeling, and clustering. A statistics-focused language, such as R, is covered in-depth for the purpose of gaining mastery of these principles.

    Prerequisites: C- or better in MAT090 or Math ACT subscore of 20 or above (SAT 510 or above)

  • CSC 171QR - Computer Science I

    (4 credits) (NWCore option under Quantitative Reasoning)
    This is the first in a two-semester sequence of courses that introduces students to fundamental aspects of the field of computing; focusing on problem-solving, software design concepts and their realization as computer programs. Topics include procedural abstraction, control structures, iteration, data types and their representation. An introduction to a high-level language, for the purpose of gaining mastery of these principles, will be provided in lectures and hands-on laboratory experiences.

    Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT090, an ACT math score of 20 or above (SAT 510 or above), or a passing score on the MAT090 placement exam.

  • CSC 172WI - Computer Science II

    (4 credits) (Writing intensive)
    This course moves students into the domain of software design, introducing principles that are necessary for solving large problems. Here, the classical software design process serves as a basis for treating such topics as abstract data types, specifications, complexity analysis and file organization. Basic data structures and transformations are introduced as representative of the fundamental tools that are used to aid in this process. A high-level language will be used for the purpose of gaining mastery of these principles through lectures and independent hands-on laboratory experiences.

    Prerequisite: CSC171QR.

  • CSC 200 - Principles of Computer Information Systems

    (2 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course outlines the concepts of computer information systems, data as a resource, information technology planning and implementation, and project management. Topics covered include decision theory, information theory, the role of information technology in an organization, evaluation of system performance, the development process, and societal and ethical issues related to information systems design and use.

  • CSC 210 - Accounting Information Systems

    (2 credits)
    This course explores the concepts of information systems support for accounting applications. AIS introduces conceptual data modeling, transaction processing systems, enterprise resource planning systems, business processes, documentation, computer security, internal control systems and cyper ethics from an accountant’s perspective.

    Prerequisites: ACC215 and CSC102, or permission of instructor.

  • CSC 270 - Computer Organization

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course explores architecture and computer design issues in modern computers. Part of the course is spent looking at the basic building blocks used to design and build a computer. The rest of the course deals with how to work with the computer at the level of the central processing unit, main memory and registers. Programming assignments are done in assembly language to see what commands the computer really understands.

    Corequisite: CSC172WI.

  • CSC 280 - Enterprise Architecture

    (2 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    Enterprise Architecture investigates the organizational aspects of enterprise information and communication technology acquisition, implementation and maintenance. This course examines technology infrastructure in an organizational context. Students will evaluate technological frameworks and strategies for managing systems for data, information and content. Middleware, legacy systems, total cost of ownership, technology investment analysis, and emerging technologies will be explored. Students will understand how risk management, audit, compliance and security strategies are used. Students also practice communicating technology topics to both IT and non-IT audiences.

    Prerequisites: CSC171QR and 172WI.

  • CSC 291 - Database Management Systems

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course examines database concepts, theory, design and management. Emphasis will be on the relational model. Topics will also include normalization, query languages, database recovery and security aspects. This course will include experience with a relational database system and programming database access into computer applications via a high-level programming language.

    Prerequisite: CSC171QR.

  • CSC 300 - Electronic Commerce Development

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course provides an introduction to electronic commerce strategy and the development and architecture of electronic business solutions and their components. Topics covered include the business models and economics associated with e-commerce, system design and implementation, building a Web interface for e- commerce, reliability, security concerns, and legal and ethical issues.

    Prerequisite: CSC172WI.

  • CSC 310 - Data Visualization

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    Data visualization provides insight into unfamiliar data sets, identifies issues in statistical models, and helps effectively communicate results. This course will focus on all of these aspects, starting with exploratory and evaluative techniques and progressing to creating professional, publication-quality visualizations. The classroom experience will alternate between discussion of best practices and case studies and hands-on learning of industry-standard visualization programming librarie, and culminate with a comprehensive visualization project.

    Prerequisites: CSC170 or CSC171QR.

  • CSC 321 - Principles of Software Engineering

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    Software engineering is the process used to gather requirements for a software solution from a user and develop a piece of software to meet the needs of that user. Several things usually contribute to a successful project including proper version control, requirements gathering, software design, software lifecycles, code reviews as well as testing and maintenance of the software. This course will cover those topics and ask students to work on a team to create a large software project to demonstrate mastery of the topics covered in class.

    Prerequisite: CSC172WI.

  • CSC 331 - Cybersecurity

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course will introduce the topic of computer security. Topics covered will include user authentication and access control, malicious software, firewalls, intrusion detection, buffer overflows, and website security. The human aspects of security including legal and ethical concerns will also be examined.

    Prerequisite: CSC172WI.

  • CSC 351 - Data Structures

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course deals with data structures and their algorithms. Emphasis is given to good data abstraction and efficiency. The data structures covered include arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs and strings. Other topics covered may include design patterns, analysis of algorithms, and complexity classes. Programming is done in an object-oriented language.

    Prerequisite: CSC172WI.

  • CSC 361 - Networking

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course introduces the student to the field of computer networking. Students will develop an understanding of the general principles of computer communication as they are worked out in an appropriate protocol suite. Specific attention will be paid to principles of architecture, layering, multiplexing, addressing and address mapping, routing and naming. Problems considered include the writing of network software, the physical construction of networks, the Internet and its future development, and network security.

    Prerequisite: CSC172WI.

  • CSC 371 - Operating Systems

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    Introduction to hardware and software related to system organization. Such topics as process management, device management, and memory management are discussed, as are relevant issues associated with security and protection.

    Prerequisite: CSC270.

  • CSC 381 - Programming Languages

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course discusses programming languages from a general viewpoint-what are the properties of all successful programming languages? Also discussed are various programming paradigms: iterative programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, logic programming, concurrent programming, etc. Programming may be done all in one language (emulate other paradigms), in a few select languages (one for each paradigm), or in a large variety of languages.

    Prerequisites: CSC270 and 351.

  • CSC 398 - Directed Study

  • CSC 417 - Internship

    (2 credits may apply toward the major)
  • CSC 420 - Special Topics

    (3 or 4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course is for upper-level computer science majors to cover current topics in computer science. Possible topics for this course include computer graphics, compiler construction, parallel processing, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence.

    Prerequisite: junior or senior class standing or permission of instructor.

  • CSC 450 - Value Issues in Computing

    (2 credits)
    This course focuses on a range of social and ethical issues involved in computer science and computer use. Computer professionals have to face these issues and deal with them in a responsible way. Some issues discussed in the course include ethical decision making, software piracy, software protection, computer crime, privacy, errors and reliability, computers and the workplace, responsibility and reliability, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality.

  • CSC 470 - Senior Project

    (2 credits)
    This course gives the student an opportunity to branch off into an area of their own selection. The student must obtain approval of a project proposal from a member of the department before registering for this course. The project will require planning, design, and implementation of a computer application in such a way as to integrate the material from computer science courses and courses outside computer science. Students with career concentrations or minors are encouraged to make use of materials from their other subject areas.

  • ECE 228 - Young Children’s Literature

    (3 credits)
    Young Children’s Literature provides an opportunity to study the history of children’s literature and its uses in the classroom. This course provides an introduction to the criteria and selection of children’s literature for infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children. Various genres are reviewed, and ideas for curriculum integration are explored. A study of illustrations and authors is included.

  • ECE 305 - Child Observation and Assessment

    (3 credits)
    In this course, participants will learn how to implement a system of ongoing child assessment that is systematic, comprehensive and feasible in order to make sure that children make the progress necessary to be ready for kindergarten. Participants will first understand the importance of and strategies for planning and preparing for an effective system of ongoing child assessment. Participants will learn about and practice using four methods of effective ongoing assessment to inform their teaching and improve children’s learning. This course will also provide information and implementation opportunities for individualizing ongoing assessment strategies for children who are dual language learners and children with special needs.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 310 - Resilience and Wellness

    (3 credits)
    The purpose of this course is to teach you how to be a resilient educator. Resilience is the ability to survive and thrive. It is not only about your ability to positively adapt in the face of adverse or challenging circumstances (that is, survive), but it is also about learning the positive skills, strategies, and routines that enable you to live a happy, fulfilling, and successful life (in other words, thrive). This course will help give you the permission to take care of yourself in order to optimize your effectiveness as an early childhood educator. This captures the notion of teaching from the inside out - a phrase that highlights the importance of promoting core resilience skills, strategies, and routines among early childhood educators. In turn, resilient educators are more capable of creating and maintaining nurturing, supportive, and effective learning environments while optimizing their own well-being and love of the profession.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 320 - Positive Behavioral Support for Young Children I

    (3 credits)
    This course utilizes evidence-based strategies for promoting social and emotional development and preventing and addressing challenging behaviors in preschool-aged children. Through course readings, discussions, activities, and related experiences, participants will learn about a variety of these research-based practices.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 325 - Positive Behavior Support for Young Children II

    (3 credits)
    This course utilizes evidence-based strategies for promoting social and emotional development and preventing and addressing challenging behaviors in a preschool-aged children. Through course readings, discussions, activities, and related experiences, participants will learn about a variety of these research-based practices.

    Prerequisite: ECE320.

  • ECE 330 - Supporting Language and Literacy Development in Preschool

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed with two key learning objectives in mind. First, this course will increase learners’ knowledge about how children’s language and literacy skills develop between ages 3 to 5 and the ways in which these skills lay a foundation for later reading success. Second, learners will be introduced to key practices that promote explicit and systematic instruction. Learners will also participate in field-based assignments where they apply this learning in their own settings.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 335 - Cognition & General Knowledge for Early Childhood

    (3 credits)
    This course covers evidence-based instructional practices that promote math and science learning in the early childhood classroom. This course includes an overview of young children’s use of logic and reasoning.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 340 - Highly Individualized Teaching & Learning in Early Childhood

    (3 credits)
    This course covers evidence-based research and practices for fostering the social emotional, cognitive, and motor development of young children with varying needs and abilities in inclusive settings. Students learn to individualize instructional strategies, design learning environments with appropriate accommodations and adaptations, and understand IEPs and IFSPs.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 400 - Supporting Dual Language Learners

    (3 credits)
    This course focuses on the language, reading, writing, and communication development of children who are dual language learners (DLLs), ages birth-to-five years. Connections are made between assessment and instruction that promote early language and literacy learning for children who are DLLs. Emphasis throughout the course is placed on fostering language and literacy learning by building on the family and community connections of young children who are DLLs.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 420 - Engaging Interactions and Environments

    (3 credits)
    This course will increase learners’ skill in creating effective classroom environments and interactions by providing rich opportunities to learn about and see examples from other classrooms. Learners will also complete field-based assignments where they apply this learning in their own settings and receive feedback focused on ensuring they can enact the practices they are learning about.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 425WI - Children’s Health and Well Being

    (3 credits) (Writing intensive)
    This course explores topics related to health and well-being and focuses on teaching practices, classroom activities, partnerships with families, and program policies to ensure that all children are healthy and ready to learn.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 430 - Learning with Digital Media in Early Childhood

    (3 credits)
    Although infants and very young children do not learn from digital media such as television and media, there is evidence that preschool-aged children can. Young children can learn basic literacy skills, mathematics skills, and develop interest in science from engaging with digital media. Instructional practices can enhance learning from media. Specifically, young children’s learning is enhanced when adults co-view or co-engage with young children in ways that foster sustained attention to aspects of media that are intended to promote learning.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood program.

  • ECE 450 - The Early Childhood Professional Portfolio

    (3 credits)
    In this course, students will produce a professional portfolio, a culmination of the knowledge from the required ECE courses in the BAEC major. The portfolio will address professional standards, ethical standards, and a faith reflection.

    Prerequisites: ECE305, ECE310, ECE320, ECE325, ECE330, ECE340, ECE400, ECE420, ECE425 and ECE430.

  • ECO 101SS - Everyday Economics

    (4 credits) (NWCore option under Self and Society)
    What is the economy? What drives the boom and bust of the market? Why do people choose what they choose? How should I think about money? What is the role of our government? How do I view inequality? Every decision we make and everything we see in the modern society has something to do with economics. In this course, we will cover the ABC’s of micro and macroeconomics that are most relevant to our everyday life. We will also learn a brief history of economic thought, and build our foundation on the Christian principles.

    Note: The course is not intended for business or economics majors.

  • ECO 213 - Principles of Microeconomics

    (4 credits)
    Microeconomics deals with price determination and how the price system functions. Supply and demand, output, competition, monopoly, resource pricing, international trade and finance will be studied.

  • ECO 214 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    (4 credits)
    Macroeconomics concerns itself with economic aggregates such as inflation, unemployment, recessions, national debt, and international trades. Macroeconomic models will be introduced. These models will be used to understand the application of monetary and fiscal policy.

    Prerequisite: ECO213.

  • ECO 301 - Money and Banking

    (4 credits)
    This course is designed to increase understanding of how banks and the banking system fit into the entire economic system. The functions of money, the federal reserve system, monetary theory, inflation and the international financial system will be taught.

    Prerequisites: ECO213 and 214.

  • ECO 305 - Current Economic Problems

    (3 credits; non-yearly, consult department)
    This is an upper-level discussion course designed to require students to apply economic principles and policies to issues confronting economists in business and government. Both micro and macro concepts are explored. Controversial issues to be confronted include the extent of government involvement in the economy, energy, employment, inflation, deficits and world trade.

    Prerequisites: ECO213 and 214.

  • ECO 314 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    Builds on the concepts of inflation, unemployment and economic growth learned in principles level macroeconomics. Introduces models with which the student will become more proficient in understanding how the economy works.

    Prerequisite: ECO214 and MAT111QR or 112QR.

  • ECO 315 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    (4 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course will examine economic theory and methodology with emphasis on the principles of price determination, consumer behavior, market equilibrium, optimality of resource allocation, production and costs, comparison of market structures, and the behavior of firms in nonperfect competition.

    Prerequisite: ECO213 and MAT111QR or 112QR.

  • ECO 333 - International Economics

    (4 credits)
    This course is a study of the theory and practice of international trade, international economic and monetary activity, balance of trade international payment mechanisms, exchange rate systems, functions of the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.

    Prerequisites: ECO213 and 214.

  • ECO 375x - Econometrics with Regression Analysis

    (4 credits)
    This course, which is required for finance, economics, and actuarial science majors, is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of econometric analysis. To this end, the primary focus is on simple and multiple linear regressions using cross-sectional data and time series regressions. We will also discuss highly useful extensions including regression with binary dependent variables, and regression analysis using panel data if time. The course will put a heavy emphasis on empirical applications, econometric theory will be discussed where necessary but will not be the central focus. Instead, we focus on estimating regression models using statistical packages such as R, SPSS, or Stata, and on interpreting the results. Both estimation and interpretation are highly marketable skills. The coverage of this course will be sufficient for SVEE Applied Statistics (SOA) and useful for CFA exams. More broadly, what you learn from this course will be valuable for a career in consulting, banking, insurance, and other related fields.

    Prerequisites: C- or better in MAT112QR and MAT116QR or MAT117QR.

    Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in mathematics.
  • ECO 390 - Game Theory

    (4 credits; non-yearly, consult department)
    This course is an introduction to and survey of the theory of games (multiperson decision theory) and its applications, primarily in economics. The Nash equilibrium concept will be carefully developed to provide a basis for analyzing various forms of strategic interaction. Areas of application will include oligopolistic markets, common resource markets, stock market microstructure and corporate takeovers. In addition to economic applications, we will use game theory to explore selected political, social and religious issues.

    Prerequisites: MAT111QR or 112QR, or permission of instructor.

  • ECO 398 - Directed Study

  • ECO 417 - Internship

  • ECO 430 - Managerial Economics

    (4 credits)
    Success in business depends on the positioning of the firm and the management of its resources. Through the lens of economics, students will learn to think systematically and strategically about critical management issues concerning consumer demand, costs, pricing, market competition, and organizational incentives. This course is an advanced economics course focusing on economic reasoning and decision-making in everyday life of a manager or an entrepreneur. Emphasis will be placed on case studies and quantitative data analysis.

    Prerequisites: ECO213 and MAT116QR or MAT117QR.

  • EDU 102 - Foundations of Education

    (2 credits)
    This course provides philosophical, historical, social and economical foundational background for students considering the teaching profession.

    Note: This course includes a field experience. Students must earn a C- or better in order to fulfill program requirements for elementary licensure.

  • EDU 202 - Early Field Experience

    (1 credit)
    This course requires 30 clock-hours of field experience with a certified teacher in an area school.

    Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis.

    Prerequisite: EDU102.

  • EDU 203 - Early Field Experience-Middle School

    (1 credit)
    This course requires 30 clock-hours of field experience with a certified teacher in an area middle school.

    Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis.

    Prerequisite: EDU102

  • EDU 205 - Directed Field Experience

    (1 credit)
    This elective class requires 30 clock-hours of field experience with a certified teacher in an area school. The candidate will be required to teach four lessons and debrief/reflect on those experiences.

    Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis.

    Prerequisite: EDU202 and recommendation by the department chair.

  • EDU 206 - Survey of Exceptional Individuals

    (3 credits)
    This course provides an overview of the history of special education up to and including present day trends and practices in education students with exceptionalities. Various areas of exceptionality are explored, including ways to support students with diverse learning and behavioral needs in inclusionary environments.

    Note: This course includes a field experience. Students must earn a C- or better in order to fulfill program requirements for elementary licensure.

  • EDU 221 - Growth and Development of the Middle School Aged Student

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    The middle school growth and development primarily embraces the knowledge of the learner component of the professional knowledge base with concentration, identification and comprehension of the physical, psychosocial, and cognitive characteristics of the middle school aged student. This course includes a 5-hour field experience.

  • EDU 227 - Instructional Technology

    (2 credits)
    This course enables students to develop proficiency with a variety of technologies available for classroom instruction. It also provides insights and tools that would apply to 1:1 classrooms, flipped classrooms and online learning. Most of the coursework is based as students demonstrate basic working knowledge of various tools and equipment.

  • EDU 228 - Children’s Literature

    (2 credits)
    This course focuses on the history of children’s literature and its uses in the classroom. This course provides an introduction to the criteria and selection of Children’s literature for elementary school students. Various genres are detailed, and ideas for curriculum integration are discussed. A study of illustrations and authors is included.

    Note: This course includes 5 hours of field experience.

  • EDU 229 - Introduction to Early Childhood

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course examines both the typical and atypical growth and development of children ages birth through grade three in the areas of cognition, language development, physical motor, social-emotional, mental health and adaptive behavior. Candidates will learn how these areas impact development and learning in the first years of life and will use this knowledge to plan, develop, implement and evaluate integrated learning experiences from home, center and school environments based on knowledge of the child, the family, and the community. Candidates will also use relevant national and state professional standards for designing content and informing and improving practices for children and their families.

    Note: This course includes 25 hours of field experience.

  • EDU 230 - Organization and Administration of Early Childhood Programs

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course examines the principles of administration and operation of programs for children ages birth through grade three and their families, including program development, supervision, staff evaluation, and continuing improvement of programs and services. Candidates will understand the significance of lifelong learning by participating in professional activities relevant to early childhood education, special education and early intervention. Candidates are required to complete pre-student teaching experiences in at least three settings that offer early childhood education.

    Note: This course includes 25 hours of field experience.

  • EDU 235 - Characteristics of Learners with Mild and Moderate Disabilities

    (3 credits)
    This course will include various causes of mild and moderate disabilities, an overview of current trends in educational programming for mild and moderate disabilities, educational alternatives and related services, and the importance of the multidisciplinary team in providing more appropriate educational programming.

    Prerequisite: EDU206.

  • EDU 240 - Integrating the Arts for the Elementary Classroom Teacher

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed to provide basic skills for integrating music, theatre, art and physical education in the elementary school classroom, as well as strategies for cooperative opportunities with specialized teachers. We will concentrate on effective teaching strategies, which include planning, implementing and evaluating the teaching process. Course content will include practicing teaching techniques and learning pedagogy related to the integration of these specials in the elementary classroom.

  • EDU 300 - Characteristics of Young Children with Diverse Needs

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course will examine the nature of child growth and development for children ages birth through grade three in areas of language development, social-emotional, aesthetics, cognition and adaptive behavior and how these impact development in the first years of life. Candidates will demonstrate a range of appropriate assessment and evaluation strategies to support the strengths, interests and needs of students with a range of abilities and disabilities. Candidates are required to complete a pre-student teaching experience working in at least three settings that offer early childhood education and with students that reflect diverse family systems and other differentiating factors, like urban/rural, socioeconomic status, and cultural/linguistic diversity.

    Note: This course includes 25 hours of field experience.

    Prerequisites: EDU102 and 206.

  • EDU 300A - Characteristics of Young Children with Diverse Needs

    (3 credits, for non-traditional students)
    This course will examine the nature of child growth and development for children ages birth through grade three in the areas of language development, social-emotional, aesthetics, cognition and adaptive behavior and how these impact development in the first years of life. Candidates will demonstrate a range of appropriate assessment and evaluation strategies to support the strengths, interests and needs of students with a range of abilities and disabilities. Candidates are required to complete a pre-student teaching experience working in at least three settings that offer early childhood education and with students that reflect diverse family systems and other differentiating factors, like urban/rural, socioeconomic status, and cultural/linguistic diversity.

    Note: This course includes 25 hours of field experience.

  • EDU 301 - Methods for Working with Young Children with Diverse Needs

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course examines the central concepts, structures and tools used to develop meaningful learning progressions for individuals with execeptionalities ages birth through grade three. Candidates will develop, implement and evaluate individualized plans (IFSPs and IEPs) and utilize a range of appropriate assessment and evaluation strategies to support individual strengths, interests and needs. By the end of the course, candidates will be able to design curricula, assessments and intervention strategies that align with learner and program goals. Candidates will also understand the role of families in the assessment process and assist them in identifying resources, priorities and concerns in relation to the child’s development.

    Note: This course includes 25 hours of field experience.

  • EDU 304 - Educational Psychology

    (2 credits)
    The application of psychological principles to the learner, the learning process and the learning situation. This course not only explores learning theories that impact education today, but also has an emphasis on developing appropriate motivation techniques, creating developmentally appropriate and productive learning environments, developing classroom management, as well as developing authentic and appropriate evaluation and assessment.

    Prerequisites: EDU102, PSY221SS or 224, and junior class standing.

  • EDU 307WI - General Methods in Secondary Education

    (3 credits) (Writing intensive)
    The principles and methods of teaching at the secondary level, including lesson plans, teaching skills, reading in the content area, classroom management, evaluation and school law.

    Note: This course includes field experience. Students must earn a “C” or better in this course in order to fulfill program requirements for secondary licensure.

    Prerequisite: sophomore class standing and admission to the teacher education program.

  • EDU 308 - Special Methods in Major

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    A study of the content, techniques, and materials in the student’s major field needed to qualify for secondary teacher certification. Biology, chemistry and natural science majors see course offering under NSC308. Economics, history, political science, social science and sociology majors see course offering under SSC308. Kinesiology majors see course offering under KIN318. All other majors see course offering, number 308, under your major department.

    Note: Students must earn a “C” or better in the special methods course in order to fulfill program requirements for secondary licensure.

  • EDU 309 - Transition for Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities

    (2 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    A study of the job opportunities and training for the adolescent mentally disabled student.

    Prerequisites: EDU206 and 235.

  • EDU 312 - Middle School Methods and Curriculum

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course focuses on the philosophy of the middle school, organization of the curriculum, effective teaching strategies, and assessment. This course includes a 5 hour field experience.

    Prerequisite: junior class standing.

  • EDU 314 - Working with Parents

    (2 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course examines the theories and knowledge of dynamic roles and relationships within and between families, schools and communities and how they can influence and support learning. Candidates will engage in intentional practices that value diversity and demonstrate understanding in how language, culture and family background can impact development. In addition, candidates will also learn to recognize how children are best understood in the context of family and how linguistic diversity, biological and environmental factors, and family strengths can influence development and learning at all stages of life.

    Prerequisite: EDU206.

  • EDU 314A - Working with Parents

    (2 credits, for non-traditional students)
    This course examines the theories and knowledge of dynamic roles and relationships within and between families, schools and communities and how they can influence and support learning. Candidates will engage in intentional practices that value diversity and demonstrate understanding in how language, culture and family background can impact development. In addition, candidates will also learn to recognize how children are best understood in the context of family and how linguistic diversity, biological and environmental factors, and family strengths can influence development and learning at all stages of life.

  • EDU 315 - Behavior Management and Classroom Instruction

    (2 credits)
    This course is designed to provide an overview of various models for classroom and behavior management. The course will emphasize both theoretical and practical dimensions of behavior and social concerns.

    Note: This course includes a 10 hour field experience.

    Prerequisite: EDU206.

  • EDU 318 - Diagnostic Assessment, Teaching and Evaluation of Special Education Students

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    A study in the purposes, procedures and issues related to screening, testing and evaluation of special needs students. The course will include a study of diagnostic instruments used by the profession.

    Prerequisite: EDU206.

  • EDU 319 - Communication and Collaborative Partnerships for Special Educators

    (2 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course examines how successful early childhood education depends upon reciprocal and respectful partnerships with families, communities and agencies. Candidates will understand the dynamic roles within and between families, schools and communities and how to create a community of support for children and families through interagency collaboration. Candidates will learn how to collaborate with supervisors, mentors and colleagues to enhance professional growth within and across disciplines to inform practice and to advocate for developmentally and individually appropriate practice. Utilizing collaborative partnerships, candidates will learn how to create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments that engage learners in meaningful activities and interactions.

    Prerequisite: EDU206.

  • EDU 319A - Communication and Collaborative Partnerships for Special Educators

    (2 credits, for non-traditional students)
    This course examines how successful early childhood education depends upon reciprocal and respectful partnerships with families, communities and agencies. Candidates will understand the dynamic roles within and between families, schools and communities and how to create a community of support for children and families through interagency collaboration. Candidates will learn how to collaborate with supervisors, mentors and colleagues to enhance professional growth within and across disciplines to inform practice and to advocate for developmentally and individually appropriate practice. Utilizing collaborative partnerships, candidates will learn how to create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments that engage learners in meaningful activities and interactions.

  • EDU 323 - Teaching Mathematics

    (3 credits)
    A foundational course for the teaching of mathematics at the elementary and middle school levels. Candidates will understand and utilize materials, lesson design, methods and procedures to teach basic math properties, functions and formulas.

    Note: This course includes a field experience. Students must earn a “C” or better to fulfill program requirements for elementary licensure.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 325 - Teaching Science and Social Studies

    (3 credits)
    Foundational course for teaching science and social studies in the elementary classroom. Methods and materials will be developed as they relate to modern practices of teaching science and social studies. This course will focus on the broad range of topics covered in this curricular area.

    Note: This course includes field experience.

    Prerequisite: admission into teacher education program.

  • EDU 326 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts

    (3 credits)
    A foundational course for the teaching of language arts at the elementary and middle school levels. Candidates will understand and utilize materials, lesson design, methods and procedures to teach reading, writing, spelling, handwriting and grammar.

    Note: This course includes a field experience. Students must earn a “C” or better in order to fulfill program requirements for elementary licensure.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 327 - Classroom Management for Secondary Teachers

    (1 credit)
    The objective of this course is to teach students effective strategies for organizing and managing an effective classroom. Included in this course are guidelines for organizing your classroom and materials, choosing rules and procedures, maintaining appropriate student behaviors, managing student work and planning and conducting instruction. Students will interview classroom teachers to discover management strategies that have worked effectively for them.

  • EDU 328 - Teaching Science in the Elementary Classroom

    (3 credits)
    A foundational course for the teaching of science at the elementary and middle school levels. Candidates will understand and utilize materials, lesson design, methods and procedures to teach earth and space science.

    Note: This course includes field experience. Candidates must earn a “C” or better to fulfill program requirements for elementary licensure.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 329 - Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary Classroom

    (2 credits)
    A foundational course for teaching social studies at the elementary and middle school levels. Candidates will understand and utilize materials, lesson design, methods and procedures to teach economics and civic literacy.

    Note: This course includes a field experience. Students must earn a “C” or better in order to fulfill program requirements for elementary licensure.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program.

  • EDU 336 - Methods and Strategies for Learners with Mild and Moderate Disabilities (Elementary)

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course is designed to prepare pre-service teachers to develop and implement intervention strategies as well as appropriate accommodations and modifications to address students’ exceptional learning and behavioral needs at the elementary school level. Pre-service teachers will also develop/refine skills in IEP writing, incorporating assessment and evaluation information as well as input from parents/families.

    Note: This course includes a 10 hour field experience.

    Prerequisites: EDU206 and 235.

  • EDU 337 - Methods of Working with Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities at the Secondary Level

    (3 credits, alternate years, consult department)
    This course prepares college students to teach students with exceptional learning needs at the secondary level. A practicum experience of ten hours is required.

    Note: This course includes field experience.

    Prerequisites: EDU206 and 235.

  • EDU 340 - Human Relations

    (2 credits)
    Major issues and concepts associated with living in a culturally diverse society and teaching in culturally diverse schools will be clarified. Students will consider ways in which ethnicity, gender/sexuality, social class, and religion intersect and influence beliefs and behaviors.

    Note: A 20 hour experience, both in schools and outside of schools in diverse settings is a key component of this course.

  • EDU 343WI - Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems

    (3 credits) (Writing intensive)
    Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems focuses both on the role of formative and summative assessment in the teaching of reading. In addition, significant attention is paid to the remediation of reading problems. Students will study the design, development, implementation and evaluation of remediation for students with reading problems, including diagnostic and prescriptive procedures for individuals and groups of students. Students will be required to write and revise their work for professional audiences. Formal and informal assessment procedures will be examined. Writing is a significant part of each exam.

    Note: This course includes a field experience.

    Prerequisites: EDU326, admission into teacher education program, and concurrent enrollment in EDU328.

  • EDU 345 - Language Learning and Reading Disabilities

    (3 credits)
    This course focuses on learning oral language and the implications that has for learning written language. A major part of the course is devoted to designing effective remedial education programs for Title I and special education. Special attention is paid to early intervention programs. This is an upper level course, designed for students completing reading and special education endorsements.

    Note: This course includes field experience.

    Prerequisites: EDU326.

  • EDU 347 - Reading in the Content Area

    (2 credits)
    This course addresses skills necessary in teaching students to read in social studies, math, science, and other content areas. This course offers strategies for vocabulary, comprehension, study skills, writing, assessment, and more.

    Prerequisite: EDU102.

  • EDU 350 - Health, Safety and Nutrition: Creating a Safe Space for Young Children to Learn

    (3 credits; alternate years, consult department)
    This course examines basic health, nutrition and safety management procedures to promote development and learning. Candidates will learn to recognize signs of emotional distress, physical and mental abuse, and neglect in young children. Candidates will create learning environments and classroom procedures that promote positive social interaction, mutual respect, conflict resolution and self-regulation, and will utilize group guidance and problem-solving to develop supportive relationships among children.

    Prerequisite: EDU206.

  • EDU 398 - Directed Study

  • EDU 406 - Student Teaching in Reading

    (1-6 credits)
    This experience will include the observation, engagement and instruction of an elementary or secondary classroom for 4-6 weeks while under the supervision of a licensed, certified reading teacher. Candidates will draw from and develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions in planning, instruction, assessment and professionalism learned and assessed throughout the program. Candidates are expected to model “Teacher as Servant” throughout the experience by serving God and society in diverse classroom settings.

    Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis. Successful completion of student teaching is a necessary step towards licensure; a passing grade for student teaching does not guarantee licensure recommendation from department.

    Prerequisites: EDU343WI and EDU347.

  • EDU 407 - Early Childhood Student Teaching

    (1-6 credits)
    This experience will include the observation, engagement and instruction in both pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classrooms for 4 weeks while under the supervision of a licensed, qualified teacher. Candidates will draw from and develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions in planning, instruction, assessment and professionalism learned and assessed throughout the elementary education program. Candidates are expected to model “Teacher as Servant” throughout the experience by serving God and society in diverse classroom settings.

    Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis. Successful completion of student teaching is a necessary step towards licensure; a passing grade for student teaching does not guarantee licensure recommendation from department.

    Prerequisites: EDU229 and EDU230, and KIN104 or current first aid and infant child CPR certification.

  • EDU 408 - Paraprofessional Practicum

    (4-8 credits)
    This experience will include the observation, engagement and instruction of an elementary classroom for 4-16 weeks while under the supervision of a licensed, qualified teacher. Candidates will draw from and develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions in planning, instruction, assessment and professionalism learned and assess throughout the elementary education program. Candidates are expected to model “Teacher as Servant” throughout the experience by serving God and society in diverse classroom settings.

    Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis. Successful completion of student teaching is a necessary step towards completing the elementary education major, but candidate will not be recommended for teacher licensure.

  • EDU 409SR - Philosophy of Education

    (2 credits)
    The liberally educated Christian teacher is the knowledgeable servant of God and society and this course examines the reasoning behind policies and methods of teaching, learning and schooling. Various schools of thought are discussed, including a distinctively Christian perspective, to prepare students to serve as professional teachers. This course is the NWCore course for education students.

    Note: Advised to be taken the semester before student teaching.

  • EDU 410 - TESL Student Teaching

    (1-4 credits)
    This experience will include the observation, engagement and instruction of a K-12 classroom for 4 weeks while under the supervision of a licensed, qualified teacher. Candidates will draw from and develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions in planning, instruction, assessment and professionalism learned and assessed throughout the ESL program. Candidates are expected to model “Teacher as Servant” throughout the experience by serving God and society in diverse classroom settings.

    Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis. Successful completion of student teaching is a necessary step towards licensure; a passing grade for student teaching does not guarantee licensure recommendation from department.

  • EDU 411 - Student Teaching in the Middle School

    (4-8 credits)
    This experience will include the observation, engagement and instruction of a middle school classroom (grades 6th-8th) for 4-8 weeks while under the supervision of a licensed, qualified teacher. Exact number of weeks/credits required will be determined by student teacher coordinator and department chair. Candidates will draw from and develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions in planning, instruction, assessment and professionalism learned and assessed throughout the education program. Candidates are expected to model “Teacher as Servant” throughout the experience by serving God and society in diverse classroom settings.

    Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis. Successful completion of student teaching is a necessary step towards licensure; a passing grade for student teaching does not guarantee licensure recommendation from department.


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